However, we are not aware that this is only a temporary solution. If we ignore our needs and interests, we can quickly get discouraged or simply burn out. As a result, we will become less effective, which may result in problems at work, at home, or with our health.
How can you prevent this? The answer is simple. Think about what you really care about and what would bring you joy. Devote yourself completely to going in that direction and if you feel that you would be more satisfied doing something else – dedicate yourself to it with equal commitment. Passion, precision and confidence are the qualities that will ensure your success.
These are the values that are promoted by Royal Salute, a traditional brand of Whisky, which in its latest campaign presents Nako Decoite, a polo player, who is completely committed to self-realization. In the ad, we find out about his story of striving to conquer JAWS, one of the most challenging waves in the world. You will certainly be inspired!